Sunday 6 June 2010

Inventory Day

Day 8 - Inventory

All the way through this course and for as long as you are interested in being an interested person, which I hope is for life - use Sundays as your inventory day.
Check your assets and take out your liabilities and look them into face. Enjoy your progress, congratulate yourself on improvements, that’s your credit side. Make some definite plans about the debit side.

There isn’t an ugly woman in the world, there are undiscovered women, unrealised girls who have not had the drive and determination to create beauty within themselves, to uncover the hidden charms that every woman possesses.

There is a basis for beauty that cannot be manufactured - genuine peace with yourself. This is the most important thing I can ever tell you: Contentment is a woman’s best cosmetic. The look of happiness on your face will be worth all the make up tricks you can ever learn. Beauty and health shine from within. But the most beautiful look in the world is the glow on the face of a woman in love. You will have to take care of falling in love yourself, all I can do is help you to become lovable. Then even though I can’t guarantee a delivery of a man at your feet by the end of this course, I’ll be tempted to bet on it.
~Anita Colby~

Use your Sundays to actively cultivate your soul. Give it a good spiritual exercise. Relax during the day with a book of good thinking and do some reading (Mrs Colby recommends: Three Minutes a Day by Father James Keller or As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. Madame MG recommends Creative Visualisation by Shakti Gawain or anything by Dr Wayne Dyer).

Then take yourself outdoors or to somewhere else that inspires you; the fashion collection at Victoria and Albert Museum works for me every time. This is how you clear out cobwebs from your mind, eradicate worries and belittle your own troubles

And finally grade yourself from 1 to 10 for degree of accomplishment, be fair and honest.

My weekly score:

1. Have you followed the basic principles of the course - diet exercise, rest? 6/10
2. Have you intelligently done your daily 1,2,3 beauty routine? 7/10
3. Are your teeth, hair, hands and clothing well groomed? 6/10
4. Can you do your exercises well? 9/10
5. Do you practise good posture constantly and back it up with daily deep breathing sessions? 7/10
6. Can you relax completely to relieve tension of mind and body? 8/10
7. Are you breaking your bad habits, tidying up your mind? 5/10
8. Are you widening the horizon of you interestes, your friends, your hobbies and cultural pursuits? 8/10
9. Do you find your viewpoint, your effectiveness as person improving with your physical appearance? 7/10
10. Have you found a true, living, working faith? 8/10

Score: 71/100

I didn’t score too badly, I’ve stuck to the cleansing plan, but traded soap and water to some Lancôme cleanser and toner, my blackheads are disappearing even though the only major difference to my normal routine is cleansing my face with a cleanser in the morning too, previously I would have just used a bit of toner after shower and before moisturising, now I cleanse properly twice a day.

I have done my exercises, not every day but a good five times so far and tilt myself into Hollywood Slant at every opportunity, it feels great, you should try it.

But I have to come clean, diet wise this week has been a disaster… wine, beer, ice cream. pizza, cake and all sorts of other lovely things that you are supposed to enjoy in moderation - not daily! I seriously need to plan my eating a bit better. Wine is great and British summer so short (and often non-existent) that it seems a pity to say no to an ice cream when it’s really hot, but needs must.

So for next week I’m going to focus on the diet bit.

I took a sneak peek to what’s in store in the coming week and there’s manicure, sunbathing, hairstyling and towards to end of the week we are finally getting to my favourite part; make up!

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