Sunday 13 June 2010

Too Busy for Beauty?

Shame Mrs Colby doesn't give any advice on time management... I find time to follow the course but blogging about it is another matter.

This week the topics covered manicure, pedicure, how to fend off double chin (I'll post more about that later), how to pick the right foundation and how to be your own masseuse.

Yesterday was dedicated to organising my wardrobe, which, at least in my world, is a never ending job. I don't know what happens but my wardrobe seems to be a black hole for clothes, things disappear never to be seen again or lovely things are replaced with rubbish clothes in wrong colours, sizes and styles.

But many hours, three loads of washing, a huge pile of ironing and some minor mending later it's looking a lot better. A large bag is on it's way to the charity shop, another bag to the dry cleaners and I have listed the key pieces I need so I can look for them in the summer sales. A time consuming but satisfying exercise.

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