Monday 24 May 2010

Anita Colby’s Beauty Book

You have a wonderful heritage of good body, good bones, good brains. There is no reason for you to be an obscure, unremarkable unjoyus girl.

-Anita Colby-

I grew up on a diet of old Hollywood movies. I worshipped Grace Kelly and Ava Gardner, loved the hourglass figures, feminine dresses, the grace and style of these amazing women and I absolutely adored the femme fatales and vamps of film noirs, in fact I grew up aspiring to be a true femme fatale but 1980's Helsinki just wasn't ready...

One day in the late 80's I stumbled upon Anita Colby’s Beauty Book, devoured it in one sitting and have been trying to find a copy of this 1950's classic ever since, in fact if I'd applied the same level of effort and persistance to my career as I did to finding this book, I'd probably be a CEO of a major company by now...

My search has taken me to many dusty antiquarian shops over the years and I have been rewarded with many great books about beauty, style and fashion, in fact I have gathered quite a collection (and learned heaps), but this elusive number escaped me until last week when finally my years of rummaging paid off and I could take this treasure home! It is in pristine condition (considering that it’s 57 years old) and now the pride of my bookshelf.

Anita gives detailed advice on skincare, make up, diet and exercise, how to be the perfect hostess, how to charm a man (!!!), how to cultivate a charming personality and reveals Hollywood's best kept beauty secret the Hollywood Slant.
There are 4 full pages dedicated on how to stand, walk and sit. Until now I have mistakenly thought that as long as I manage to get my bum on seat without falling over or flashing my knickers I'm doing ok, but no, apparently correct sitting takes a lot of practice.

Anita Colby claims that by following her Beauty and Charm course for 28 days, I too can look like, act like and feel like a true beauty.

If it was good enough for Jennifer Jones, Ingrid Bergman and Rita Hayworth (who apparently was on the chubby side and her hairline was too low to ever make it big…) it is good enough for Madame MG. After all who wouldn't want to become a true beauty in 28 days? What the heck, it takes longer than that to recover from plastic surgery.
So to celebrate this momentous occasion and to pay homage to the great Mrs Colby I’m starting the new regime tomorrow and will track my progress here.

Your face tells the first story of you to the world. Take care it doesn't tell an ugly story....

-Anita Colby-


  1. I have recently found a FRENCH version of the book, and just love it, especially the illustrations. I am a book-seller and it is supposed to go into my stock for sale, but somehow, I think it will find its way onto my favourite book shelf...


  2. Yo lo descubrí con 12 años, en casa de la hermana de mi amiga Laura. Años después, me acordé de él. He estado 20 años buscándolo. Hace unos días me reencontré con Laura, yo con 45 años y ese mismo día lo encontré en la web y me lo pedí. Coincidencia?. Hoy me lo ha entregado el cartero. Lo he abierto como si fuese una joya

  3. I have the Sapnish version. I read it frecuently and must say that despite the years it still works!! :O)

  4. I was given a copy of this in the 1970's, and I remember I was amused by the advice on girdles! But it still has alot of common sense, and I like her perspective that any female can be beautiful,without self-loathing and expensive processes.

  5. I bought my copy in a used bookstore for 50 cents and would not part with it for anything. I'm trying to find another copy for my friend who wants one, but they're so rare and expensive online! I think the reason I love this book so much is that she doesn't only give vague concepts, but the idea of improving the whole self through cold, hard work.

  6. My Grandmother gave me her copy of this book back when I was 11 years old... I have treasured this book! I had no idea it was so elusive!

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