Monday 31 May 2010

Diet and Exercise 1950's Style

Day 2: Today we will take up caring for your body

During this course we're going to peel off a whole layer of tired you...find that smoother, better functioning skin that lives beneath your present one.

Mrs Colby then progresses to explain the benefits of daily showers and/or baths over 5 pages!

All so obvious and a boring that I won't repeat it. Tomorrow will be a bit of a dull day too, all about cream cleansing your face and proper breathing.
In fact the first few days of this course are not particularly entertaining. But later we'll learn about hairstyles, make up (we'll even measure our faces to figure out whether our faces are diamonds, oblongs, pears or something else...)how to talk to a man and all sorts of other wonderful things.

So while we are waiting for the interesting bits to start, let's talk about diet and exercise.

Watch those first three pounds and you’ll never be overweight

Sound advice, but for those of us who didn’t watch those first three pounds Anita Colby gives a 14-day eating plan….

You should eat every day:
A pint of milk
1 egg
A serving of meat and fish
Tomatoes or citrus fruits
Leafy green vegetables
Yellow vegetables
Other fruit and vegetables
Cereal, bread
Small amount of sugars
Small amount of fats
Eat 3 meals a day, following the low calorie diet <1400kcal

Diet combined with exercise will make you lose faster, If you are overweight you are overeating. Exercise alone won’t make you lose but it tightens and tones your muscles and can change proportions of you figure. I am giving you Special Exercises for Special Places, pick two of each of your spots that need attention and do them daily just before you go to bed.
Plus a 10 minute posture tone up and deep breathing before breakfast and a brisk walk during the day will improve your outlook and benefit your face and figure

The Special Places mentioned above are: bosom, waist, hips, legs

As I'm happy with my boobs and hips I picked waist and legs, these exercises should be repeated every night, no matter how tired you feel as apparently it is not so much physical tiredness as nerve tautness and these exercises will not only slim you but will also unravel nerves and make you sleep better.

For Joan Bennett's waistline: Apparently Joan Bennett's (see below) waistline is what we all should aim for, and this is how:
Stand up on your knees arms streched overhead. Stretch upward, puling your middle high and taut, now shove your right hip out as far sideways as you can pulling upward with clasped hands over your head. Roll body forward and down, then toward right, on around to the back, keeping your back straight, stomach muscles pulling for balance. Roll clear around to the left side, then front and up again in your right hip out position. Come to centre, relax on your kneese, repeat on left side. 6 reps per side. ???? I have no idea what I just typed means?
Joan Bennett

The Hollywood Fling: this move was devised by Jim Davies, exercise coach of Paramount Studions to make star's waists longer and supple.
In a sitting position, set legs wide apart, with toes pointing outward. Stretch arms out from shoulders in T formation , swing body forward and down twisting it to bring the right hand clear across and down to left foot, return to starting position and repeat to the other side, repeat 6 times in total. (can be also done from standing position)

Now some exercises for better legs. Fatty knees will will imporove with this: Lie on back, legs together, hands clasped behind neck. Now raise right leg, point toe, stiffen knee and at 45 degree angle draw circles in the air with your toe. 6 reps per side

For lovely slim calves: hold onto back of chair, with feet held together slowly lower yourself to a deep knee bend keeping on the balls of the feet with a straight back. Do not squat on your heels.

As a bonus I'm giving you Walking on hips, just because it looks funny and my husband nearly died of laughter when I bumwalked up and down the hall this morning. (Now that I've mastered the move my next goal is high speed!)

This exercise is so simple but effective that New York's most famous models as well as Hollywood stars swear by it.

Legs straight in front of you, stretch first your right then left heel as far ahead as you can edging your hips forward at the same time. After four weeks of this one your measuring tape will show a dramatic difference!


  1. MADAME! Eikö sulla ole mitään velvollisuudentuntoa ilmoittaa kanssasisarillesi blogin avaamisesta?!? Piiskaa, sanon minä!

  2. Hi there!
    I loved reading your entry above. Can you please tell me your source for the exercises? You mention that there are some exercises for the bust and I'd like to have a read of those!
    Thank you,
    Rosy xx
