Monday 31 May 2010

The Hollywood Slant

People of the theatre have always known this simple fact, that you have to help your heart circulate. Blood flowing into the brain up into the neck and face. Myself for a few minutes each day , I stand on my head, I have been doing it for fifty years.
~Elsie Mendl~

A woman starts aging from the head down, so you must learn to give face, neck and shoulders more circulation, but luckily this doesn't mean you have to do headstands, although by all means do if you can.

Lean an ironing board against a low bed, put pillows under your bum and and heels on wall, reverse your angle on sofa or chaise longue, head down, feet up. Do anything to put your body on about a 30 to 45 degree upslant. Start off with 10 minutes at a time, work up to 20, then to a half hour a day.

Lie this way when talking on the phone, while waiting for your nail polish to dry, while you give yourself a facial or simply whilst daydreaming. But do it everyday, get a fresh supply from your own fountain of youth. All the delicate muscles of face and neck slide back up into positions that make a lovelier face. Jaw and cheeck contours firm up, down drooping lines disappear, chins undouble and you’ve fought off old age a bit.

Apparently everybody in Hollywood does it, to freshen themselves in the short breathers on location, to relax after a long day's shooting and to restore their looks and minds.

Ginger Rogers used to drop off for fifteen minute naps with her heels hung up over the head of her bed. Olivia de Havilland went over her lines with her head on the floor and her feet on the side of a couch. Eve Arden rested between scenes with her feet propped on the wall.

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